Workshops and Writing Time

The Young Writers Program is a series of workshops followed by structured writing time. The interactive workshops are 30 minutes long and led by Wyoming creators. The writing time goes for an hour after the workshop and includes snacks, optional prompts, and a librarian on hand to help with research questions.


The series is part of National Novel Writing Month's (NaNoWriMo's) Young Writers Program, and the library has a virtual "classroom" at with the code ARAIEBTO where participants can set word count goals, interact with each other outside of the programs, and access resources like pep talks from published authors.

What is NaNoWriMo?

According to their website, NaNoWriMo is a fun, empowering approach to creative writing. The challenge: draft an entire novel in just one month. Why do it? For 30 wild, exciting, surprising days, you get to lock away your inner editor, let your imagination take over, and just create!

NaNoWriMo's Young Writers Program takes that joyful, focused approach to creative writing and makes it accessible to young writers, educators, and families. Learn more here.

This program has been made possible through a grant from Wyoming Humanities.

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